Speak Like Australians! series
2 novels & 4 textbooks
with teacher Zoe Lambreas
-author of novels & textbooks
-creator of the bespoke Aussie English Phonemes (phonetic alphabet chart)

**The line spacing of sentences in all books is designed to help readers with dyslexia. ​Zoe was a sponsor of the 2023 Australian Council for Adult ​Literacy (ACAL) & presenter at the VALBEC Conference in 2024.
Listen for free to true stories from the novel Speak English Like Australians! Written to help EAL and literacy readers. Lots of photos to help with context
Just click AUDIO & VIDEO to hear them. Enjoy!
Also on YouTube (QR code)

This website features a lovely collection of books and English teacher resources and learner self-study textbooks with answers.
See the Goodreads reviews online and reader testimonials below.
Buy direct from the author from Order Books above, or through Dymocks, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Booktopia, Angus & Robertson, Midtown Reader, Target, Abbey's Books, MarketFair, etc.
Zoe on radio station 3HA in Hamilton, her hometown where the novels are set.

Reader Testimonials of Novels

I couldn't put it down. I had to keep reading as it reminded me of my early years.
Comment of the first Aussie reader of this book
These are great stories and Aussie expressions! Our English learners can relate to many of the experiences described with humour and honesty.
Comment of English teacher
When I was a boy in China, we built a billy-cart too! Kids play the same games, even if the cultures are different. I was shocked! learner-Ming
I like the stories, slang and proverbs. learner from Cambodia-Borong
I want to see what happens next! English learner from China-Jimin
More testimonials on video​